What you'll build

You'll build a web page about your summer that is styled with CSS.

It'll have the following features:

Here's what it might look like:

What you'll learn

What you'll need

Open the assignment

  1. Open your GitHub Classroom assignment from the link in Google Classroom
  2. Check that you're logged in with your GitHub account
  3. Check the name of the assignment is correct and then accept it. GitHub will make a copy of the template for you.
  4. Click on the link to your repository

Get ready to code

  1. Click on the green Code button and choose Open with GitHub Desktop
  2. If you're working locally (on your own device), choose a place (such as Documents) to download your code to
  1. Once it has cloned to your computer, click the Open in Visual Studio Code button (or press Command + Shift + A on MacOS or Ctrl + Shift + A on Windows)
  2. Open the file called index.html

Now you're ready to get coding!

Read over your code in the template, and then add opening and closing HTML tags to create heading elements and a paragraph element.

Open your index.html file in your browser to check that it looks the way you expect.


Change your two heading elements to personalise your web page.

Write some HTML code to add a list of the things you did over the summer. The elements are shown in this screenshot to help guide you.


Change your list item elements to personalise your web page.

Copy and paste this code at the very bottom of your index.html file:


The style element is ready and now it's time to write some CSS!

Copy and paste the rule below for the heading 1 element into your style element.

  h1 {
    background: blue;

You can add background colours to any of the other elements on your page, for example:

  h1 {
    background: blue;

  h2 {
    background: green;


Change your background colours to personalise your web page.

We've completed half of the features we planned at the beginning!

Each element isn't limited to just one rule. You can add as many rules for as many elements as you wish.

Add the new code below to your h1 CSS.

h1 {
  background: blue;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-size: 3em;
  color: orange;

Save your file and refresh your page in your browser. The main heading should be in a different font, a little bigger, and orange.

If nothing has changed, check:


Change your text to personalise your web page.

text-align: center;

text-decoration: line-through;

text-transform: uppercase;

text-shadow: 2px 2px orange;

In design, it's important to give space between the things your audience is looking at. This helps make it less busy and cluttered, and more pleasant to use.

Add this CSS rule to your h2:

margin-left: 10%;

In your browser, your subheadings should now be spaced out from the side of the page.

Add the same rule for your paragraph elements to put them in line with the subheadings.


Change your spacing to personalise your web page.









Congratulations, the first iteration of your web page is complete.

You've taken the code provided and customised it to create your unique web page.

Along the way, you've learnt about these parts of coding.

(means new things in this project)

HTML code

style for CSS styling

HTML vocabulary

CSS code

background: to change the background colour of an element

font-family: to change what letters look like

font-size: to change the size of text

color: to change the colour of text

text-align: to move text to the left, centre, or right

text-decoration: to add or remove underlines and line-throughs

text-transform: to change text to all uppercase or lowercase

text-shadow: to add a shadow to text

margin-(top, bottom, left, right): to add space around the outside of an element

padding-(top, bottom, left, right): to add space around the inside of an element

CSS vocabulary

selector - the start of the chunk of CSS that says what HTML element it's for

property - the thing you're going to change about the HTML element

value - what you want to change the the property to

From here, you can take your page further, if you like, by adding links to your social media, YouTube channel, blog, or whatever you link.

In your coding career you will often need to look up how to do things. In this section are a couple of websites to help you find information online about how to do what you want to do.

Most frequently, a good Google search will be the best option. Remember to include the keywords "HTML" and "links" so that Google will give you the best results (skip past the ads though!).

Another common website to use is W3 Schools. They have simple tutorials and explanations on how to do things, as well as interactive examples.

Elements on a web page can be in different states, such as being hovered over.

Copy and paste this code into your style element:

h1:hover {
  background: yellow;

Open your page in the browser and hover over your heading with your cursor.

Experiment with :hover